Route Scouting

Route scouting will play a vital role in the invention of a new medication to provide new routes that are shorter, safer, cost-effective, sustainable, and have a lower impact on the environment.

Corey pharmaceuticals route scouting team offers to our customers from concept stage to commercialization stages.

  • Discovery Projects
  • Early Phase Development Projects
  • Late Phase Development Projects
  • Commercial API Projects
  • API Projects

Why choose Corey pharmaceuticals?

  • Highly motivated scientists, who are trained at renowned universities, big pharma companies across the world.
  • The experienced and competent team of chemistry talent.
  • Top-notch experience in retrosynthetic analysis.
  • Proven track record of delivering alternate ROS.
  • Hands-on experience in using new methodologies and technologies.
  • Upfront discussion with the scientific team of the client on alternate ROS proposed
  • Legendary scientific advisory board help.
  • Accelerated pathway to establish proof-of-concept.